

Click on image for to see real size.
By Sofía©
I created this tutorial in PSP X.
I want to be grateful to Gini, Monique and to Exclusively Rita for
allow me to use their magnificent tubes in this tutorial.

Elements Used:

Tubes, mask 20-20, mask 89, Fonts: Greyhound and Constanza


Photo Aging Kit

Important Note: the filter Photo Aging Kit works under the environment of Filters Unlimited 2.0. that's why when downloaded and decompressed; open your PSP, look for Filter Unlimited 2.0. go bottom everything where says: "Import" and to look for the folder of Photo Aging Kit in the directory where you have kept it and to Import, now it will be able to use it.
You remember to keep your program closed while you download the filters.
Put the filters in the Complements' folder in your program PSP.Open the tubes,
duplicate it with Shift + D, then close the original,
in the copy eliminate the mark of the tuber and the background if it has. Minimize it.

Let's go

1. Open a new transparent image of 550 x 400 pixels.
2. In your palette of materials: Foreground: #b67479 and Background: #642e35
3. Prepare a gradient: Style: Radial – Angle: 180 – Repeat: 3 – Invert: check –
Central Point: Horizontal: 73 – Vertical 0, look next capture.

4. Fill your layer of background with this color (gradient)
5. Effects, Filters Unlimited 2.0 / Photo Aging Kit / Center Spot/Vignetting: value 192.
6. Open the copy of the tube "Caro_mist128", (the keyboard of piano).
7. Copy and to paste in your work area
8. Image, resize to 70 % and arrange it center in the bottombelow, look in final result,
9. Stretch it only a little bit of their sides with: Selection Tools,
Selection and stretching from the sides.
10. Decrease opacity of the layer: 44%.
11. Open the copy of the image AMC107.
12. Layers, Promote Background Layer
13. Layers, Load mask from the disc: look for the mask 89 and apply.
14. Layers, Merge group
15. Copy and Paste as new image in your work area
16. Arrange in the center above the keys of the piano.
17. Decrease the opacity of this layer: 75 %.
18. Open the copy of the tube "BeautifulFace_MistedByGini_04-17-06".
19. Copy and Paste in your work area, Image, Resize to 80 %,
arrange this tube at right side, look in the final result.
20. Effects, 3 D Effects, Drop Shadow: 3 / 3 / 100 / 18 / color: #642e35
21. Tools, Eraser, configured like in the next capture; erase the small part of model's shoulder.

22. In your palette of layers, decrease opacity of the layer of the girl to 85%.
23. Open the copy of the tube "rw-sexyleg",
24. Layers, Load mask from disc, to look for your mask 20-20 and apply.
25. Merge group. Image, Resize to 95 %
26. Arrange the tube to your left side.
27. Decrease the opacity of the layer to 75%.
28. Now a final detail: after as your tube rw-sexyleg was arrange,
we are going to erase in the layer of the keys of the piano,
only a little bit, carefully so the result will look better,
now setting your Eraser Tool eraser as step 21., only this time,
you will decrease the opacity of eraser to: 5,
change size of the eraser and increase it to 20: and erase,
make this eraser with a circle shape at left part of the keys,
like you can look in this image.

29. Do the same work of eraser follow in the layer of the keys of the piano above the face of the model, where you have had a small dark shadow, erase it.
The sense of this step is give an excellent view to our design. Let's continue.
30. Layers, New Raster Layer, Fill this layer again with your gradient, name it "Linen 1"
31. Effects, Texture Effects:, Texture: Coarse linen, with this settings.

32. Duplicate this layer, name it "Linen 2"
33. In layer "Linen 1", change Blend Mode: Screen and decrease opacity: 49%
34. In layer "Linen 2", change Blend Mode: Overlay and decrease opacity: 60%
35. In the layer "Linen 2", apply Effects, Edge Effects: Enhance.
36. Merge all layers.
37. Image, Add borders, 1 píx, symmetrically, color: black

38. Layers, New Raster Layer for the text " Vaudeville "
39. In your palette of materials: Foreground: #642e35 background: #eecaac
40. Text Tool, look for font Greyhound, size 72, width of line: 1, and write the text: Vaudeville
41. Effects, 3 D Effects, Drop Shadow: 2 / 2/80 / 8 / color: #b67479
42. Image, Free Rotate, Direction: Left Rotation 90 degrees
and to put your text in the center of left side.
43. Change Blend Mode of the layer: Overlay.
44. Layers, New Raster Layer for your name
45. In your palette of materials: Foreground (first plane): #b74d45 Background: #eecaac
46. Text Tool, to look for font Constanza size 72, width of line: 1, and write your name
47. Effects, 3 D Effects / Drop Shadow: 1 / 1 / 50 / 1 / color: #b67479
48. Selections, None Selection.

49. Add your watermark if it is your custom.
50. Save as Optimized JPG.

We finish, I hope you enjoyed it.


©Copyright Tutorial " Blend Vaudeville " By Sofía©Written especially for PSPFULLADDICTION©05-18-2006
Buenos Aires - Argentina
Translate by Sofía©

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