
Tutorial # 3 "SPLENDOR"

By Sofía©
I created this tutorial in PSP X

Elements used:

3 tubes, Text brush, a selection, two fonts

Animation (If you made the second version)

Filter: This tutorial doesn’t use any filters.

Put the selection "sel001TUT_Splendor_Sofía©" in your Selections folder.
Open the brush and Export it as a personalized brush.
Open the tubes, duplicate them with capital letter + D, close the original for another opportunity.
With the open tube, eliminate the watermark layer, if it had it. Minimize.

Let's go

Open new transparent image 460 x 400 pix.
In your palette of materials, pick the following colors: 

Foreground (first plane): #e6c29e Background: #ffffff (white)
Prepare a Gradient, with the next settings:

Fill the work area with this gradient
Name this layer " Back "
Effects - Edge effects - Enhance more: click once

Effects - Edge effects - High Pass: with the next settings:

Adjust - Sharpness – Unsharp Mask: with these settings

Adjust – Hue & Saturation - Colorize: apply the next settings

Effects - Edge effects: Enhance
Copy and Paste the tube copy Valentines-bracelet as a new layer and
 name it "Bracelet", put this tube to the left side
Change Blend Mode: Luminance (Legacy), Decrease Opacity this layer: 80 %
Duplicate this layer and name it " Enhance " we close this layer for now.
Layers, New Layer
Selection / Load selection from disc,
Seek for the selection: "sel001TUT_Splendor_Sofía©"
Selection / All Select / Float
In your palette of materials, Foreground (first plane): #e6c29e
and fill the selection's border with this color.
(Note: if it is complicated, increase the view of your work are with the magnifying glass)
Selection, None Selection
In your Materials' Palette, configure your background with the texture "Asphalt"
or another of your choice, with the next settings: 
angle 45 / Scale: 100, in white color.

Selection Tool / Magic Wand and select the different parts of the selection
Fill with the Flood Fill Tool (the small paint bucket) each area of the selection.
In your Layers' Palette: Opacity to 40 %
Layers, New Layer
Palette of materials, we continue the Foreground (first plane)
with the color: #e6c29e we paint the layer with Flood Fill Tool (the small paint bucket)
Change Blend Mode: Multiply and Decrease Opacity at 40 %
Image / Resize to 90 % / Resize all the layers: without check.
Put in the layer Selection and with Magic Wand to select the selection,
give Delete in your keyboard
Selection / Selection none
Copy and paste the tube Kylie_minogue2, and put it at the right side
Effects - Effects 3 D - Drop Shadow:-2/-2 / 50 / 8 / black
Duplicate layer
Image / Flip, we accommodate it so that it is the reflex of the girl
Leave Blend Mode: Normal / Decrease Opacity: 40 %
Open the copy of the perfumes' tube, resize in
Image / Resize / 217 x 226 pixels Resize all layers: CHECK-IN
Copy and paste the perfume tube
Effects - Effects 3 D – Drop Shadow:-2/-2 / 50 / 8 / color: black
Duplicate layer
Image / Flip, accommodate so that it is the reflexion of the perfumes
Leave Blend Mode: Normal / Decrease Opacity: 40 %
We open our layer "Enhance" – Layers / Arrange / Bring to top
Selection Tool, FreeHand (the little rope)
Feather: 45 Smoothing: 5 and make a drawing that includes the bracelet and the rose
like is shown in the capture:

Selection / Invert
Give Delete in your keyboard
Change Blend Mode: Luminance (Legacy) / Decrease Opacity: 70%
(We do this to enhance the bracelet)
Layer, New Layer
Palette of materials for foreground color (first plane) #e6c29e
Brush Tools: Seek for the brush "Splendor" in size 150 and apply it once
Effects, Effects 3 D – Drop Shadow: -1 /-1 / 50 / 3 color: black
Palette of materials for background-color: #e6c29e for Text Tool,
seek for font AL-Landscape, with these settings:

• Note: The direction of the text is: Vertical and left

Effects - Effects 3 D – Drop Shadow:-1 /-1 / 50/3 color: black
Repeat Text Tool, Background color: #6f371f, choose font Carlota, same settings,
Rotate with: Image, free Rotation 90 degrees to the right.
Effects - Effects 3 D – Drop Shadow:-1 /-1/50 / 3 color black and place it like in the final result.
Change Blend Mode to Screen.
Image / Add symmetrical borders 3 pixels color #e6c29e
Image / Add symmetrical borders 1 pixel black color

Add a watermark if you like it.
Save as Optimized JPG

We have finished the first version of Tutorial Splendor you can leave it this way
or if you prefer and add the sparkles' animation... in this link: Tutorial Animated Splendor

I hope you enjoyed it.


©Copyright Tutorial " Splendor " By Sofía©
Written especially for PSPFULLADDICTION©
in Buenos Aires - Argentina

and Translate by Sofía© 02-01-2008 somewhere on the other side of the world.

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