

Love Oracle

By Sofía©
I created this tutorial in PSP X.

Click on image for to see real size.


Tubes, Font: Anglo Saxon &
Font Evanescent

I want to be grateful to
Kat of NKdesigns for afford me to use her beautiful tubes in this tutorial, (except of " zodiacs signs” that I do not know author of the image and tuber).
© Artist of Corfe Castle: J. Walls ©


Redfield, Craquelure 3 D
FM Tools, Blend Emboss
Open the tubes, Duplicate with capital letter + D, to close the original, in the copy to eliminate the mark of the tuber and the background if it has. Minimize.

Let's go

1. Open a new transparent image of 500 of width x 600 of high.
2. In your palette of materials Foreground: #45354d (dark violet) and Background: #ffffff (white)
3. Fill your layer of fund with this color (dark violet), name it: Base
4. Layers, New Raster Layer, name it: Back_1
5. Prepare a gradient, but this time you will do it personalized:
Style: Reflexes, Repetitions: 1 horizontal, Central Point: 50 and Vertical: 73, Connect central and focal points: check

Now you open where says: Edit
You try to copy this gradient that you can see in the image, as you observe that I have lowered almost the whole white color, how? moving the little rhombs of above of the bar, copy like you see it: where 1 says: you put in position 0 (zero) your white and like this color with other points: 2 in position 57 and 3 in position 100 (dark violet), once modified this you is going to appear a message saying that your first plane has changed, give to accept.

Fill your layer with this gradient. Blend Mode of the layer: Multiply, Lower the opacity: 53 %.
6. Duplicate the layer two times, you will have Back_2 and Back_3, to put both layers Blend Mode: Normal: 100 %, but for now close the layer: Back_3, we will use her, then.
7. In your layer Back_2: Effects, to apply Filter: Craquelure 3 D / Toilet Ripples: with these adjustments:

8. Tool Selection, Freehand, feather: 55, Select like you can see in the image, (Note: the selection has a curvature in the top part, it is not straight) that was realized before you can see the dotted line:

9. Give Delete in your keyboard 2 times. Selections, None Selection.
You move this result down a bit, like you can see in the image end.
10. Open your layer Back_3 (it has to be above of all others)
11. Effects, to apply the filter Craquelure 3 D / Silicium with these values, here the only thing that I changed was the angle of inclination that you have it below as you see in the image, the rest keep equal.

12. Change Blend Mode of the layer: Dissolve, to lower the opacity: 18 % Close this layer for now.
13. Open the copy of the tube KAT_misted_asking the Star, Copy and Paste as new layer, name it: Kat_1
14. Image, Resize: 85 %, put like you can see in the image end.
Change Blend Mode of the layer: Kat_1: Screen: 100 %

15. Duplicate the layer, name it Kat_2, Blend Mode in Normal, to lower the opacity: 80 %
16. Open the copy of the tube KAT_misted_JWalls_CorfeCastlesmall, Copy and Paste as new layer.
Image, Resize: 85 % two (2) times, put like you can see in the image end.
Change Blend Mode of the layer: Luminance (Legacy), Opacity: 65 %.

17. Open the copy of the tube Zodiac_signs, Copy and Paste as new layer, name it Zodiac_1
Image, Resize: 75 %
Image, free Rotation: Turn Right: check, angle: 5 grades.
Effects, to apply filter FM Tools, Blend Emboss (it is predetermined)
Effects, Effects 3 D, Drop Shadow: 10 / 10 / 100 / 10 color: #2f2037, to apply twice this shade.
To accommodate to the height of the knees.

18. Duplicate the layer, name it Zodiac_2. Close
19. Change Blend Mode of the layer Zodiac_1: Overlay – To lower the opacity to 44 %
20. Open your layer Zodiac_2, Change Blend Mode the layer to Luminance (Legacy) – Opacity: 85 %
21. With the tool Selection: Freehand: Feather 0, Smoothing: 0 Smooth: check
Draw an outline around the inside ellipse of the tube, to see image:

Once the dotted line or small ants begin to move, Convert the selection to layer, this you do in layers or directly in your palette of layers stopped on the layer and with the button right to meet To turn Selection into layer.
Change Blend Mode of the layer: Normal.
Selections / None Selection
22. Adjust, Adjust Hue and Coloration, Colorize: Tone: 193 / Saturation: 105
Lower the opacity of the layer: 38 %.
23. Return to your layer Zodiac_2
Adjust, Blur, Motion Blur: angle: 225 / Forces: 100
24. Open your layer Back_3.
25. Image, Add Borders: 1 pix. symmetrical – color: #221f25
Image, Add Borders: 3 pix. symmetrical – color: #f9f6fc
Image, Add Borders: 1 pix. symmetrical. – color: #221f25

26. Layers, New Raster Layer for your text Love Oracle,
In your palette of materials: Foreground: closed Background: #ffffff
Tool, Text, Font: AngloSaxon, size: 36, Direction: vertical and left, width of the line: 0, Loading: - 129, you write your text.
Changes Blend Mode of the layer to Luminance (Legacy) Opacity: 86 %
27. Layers, New Raster Layer for your name: You choose the colors that you prefer, I used Foreground: #ffffff and Background: #cd94b2
Tool, text, Font: Evanescent, size: 60, Direction: horizontal and below, width of the line: 1, Loading: 0, you write your name.
Effects, Effects 3 D, Drop Shadow: 2 / 0/100 / 5 / color: #d1b0cf
28. Merge All (flatten).
Image, Resize: 86 % or to the size that you prefer.

28. Add your watermark if it is your custom.
29. Save as Optimized JPG.

We ended, I hope you enjoyed it.

©Copyright Tutorial " Love Oracle " By Sofía©
Written especially for PSPFULLADDICTION©
Buenos Aires - Argentina

Translate by Sofía©

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