

Beautiful Arrogantly

By Sofía©
I created this tutorial in PSP X.

dClick on image to see real size.

Elements Used:

Tube, Font: Chocolate Box
I want to be grateful to Filly to allow me to use her wonderful tubes in this tutorial

L & K, Mayra
DBS FLUX, Glass Pyramids

Put the filters in the folder of complements in your program PSP.
Open the tubes, Duplicate with capital letter + D, close the original, on the copy eliminate the mark of the tuber and the background if it has. Minimize.

Let's go

1. Open new image of 550 x 420 píx.
In your palette of materials: Foreground: #f9e8cd (beige) and Background: #7c1a20 it (Bordeaux)
Fill your layer Back with your dark color, Background: #7c1a20 it (Bordeaux)
2. Layers, New Raster Layer
Change the color Background to Foreground and Fill your layer with your dark color.
Effects, To apply Filter L and K, Mayra with these settings:

3. Adjust, Sharpness, Sharpen
4. Layers/Blend Mode: Normal Opacity: 55 %
5. Prepare a gradient as you see in the image: Style: Reflexes - Angle: 0 - Repetitions: 2 - Central Point: Horizontal: 50 - Vertical: 100.

6. Layers, New Raster Layer. Fill your layer with this gradient
7. Effects, Filter: apply DBS Flush - Linear Transmission with the following values:

8. Layer Blend Mode: Normal Opacity: 59 %
9. Effects, Edge Effects: Enhance two times
10. Selections, Selection All. Selections, Modify: Contract: 25. Selections, Invert. Give Delete in your keyboard. Selections, None Selection.
11. Duplicate this layer and Image, Flip.
12. Prepare the gradient of the image in your palette of materials: Radial style, Angle 0, Repetitions 0, Invert: UNCHECK. Central point: Horizontal: Vertical 50: 100, taking care that your light color stay of the left side of your gradient.

13. Layers, New Raster Layer. Fill your layer with this second gradient.
Effects, apply the Filter Tramages: Glass Pyramids: 130.
14. Tools, Selection, Personalized Selection, put these values: top: 0, left: 180, right: 370, bottom 280
15. Edition, Copy (here you can do it of two ways: you keep on developing the tutorial up to the step 20. " Paste in the selection " and newly there you give it, - nothing will happen, it will not get lost - but if you do not feel yourself safe, can paste it as new image and raise again (Copy and Paste) I leave it to your election, according to your experience with the program).
16. Selection, None Selection
17. Close your layer where you applied the filter Tramages Glass Pyramids.

18. Layers, New Raster Layer
19. Tools Selection, Selection Personalized with these values: top: 50, left: 275, right: 500, bottom: 370
20. Paste into the selection, Selections, None Selection
21. Change Blend Mode of the layer to Luminance (Legacy) Opacity: 50 %.
22. You can eliminate your layer where you applied the filter Tramages Glass Pyramids.

23. Layers, New Raster Layer
In your palette of materials, Foreground: your dark color, in this case: #7c1a20, Fill your layer with it
Selections, Selection All. Selections – Modify, Contract: 50
Selections, Invert, Give Delete in your keyboard
Selections, Invert, Selections - Modify - Contract: 2, Give Delete in your keyboard. Selections, None Selection

24. Layers, New Raster Layer
In your palette of materials, Foreground: your light color, in this case: #f9e8cd, Fill your layer with it
Selections, Selection All. Selections – Modify, Contract: 25
Selections, Invert. Give Delete in your keyboard.
Selections, Invert. Select - Modify - Contract: 2, Give Delete in your keyboard.

25. Effects, Effects 3 D – Drop Shadow: 0 / 1/50 / 1 color: #000000 (black)
26. Effects, Effects 3 D – Drop Shadow: 1 / 0/50 / 1 color: #000000 (black). Selections, None Selection
27. Layers, New Raster Layer
In your palette of materials, to continue with your color of Foreground (your light color), in this case: #f9e8cd, Fill your layer with it
Selections, Selection All. Selections – Modify, Contract: 15
Selections, Invert, Give Delete in your keyboard.
Selections, Invert, Select - Modify - Contract: 5, Give Delete in your keyboard.
Apply again the previous shadow done in steps 25. and 26.
Change Blend Mode of the layer: Screen
28. Layers, New Raster Layer
In your palette of materials, change your color of Foreground to your dark color, in this case: #7c1a20, Fill your layer with it
Selections, Selection All. Selections – Modify, Contract: 15, Give Delete in the keyboard.
Change Blend Mode of the layer: Multiply, Opacity 35 %.
Merge All Layers (flatten)

29. Open the copy of the tube Tube_filly (1144) Face, Image, resize: 76 %, Copy and Paste in your area of work as new layer, to accommodate as you can see in image end.
30. Layers, New Raster Layer
In your palette of materials, it continues with your color of Foreground to your dark color, in this case: #7c1a20, Fill your layer with it
Selections, To select everything. Selections – modify - contract: 3, click "delete" in your keyboard.
* This is the moment to resize your work, Image, resize to your taste, in my case I did it to 92 % of the original size.
31. Layers, New Raster Layer for your name
In this case I used of the Foreground the light color: #f9e8cd and Background the dark color: #7c1a20
Tools, Text – Look for font Chocolate Box, width of line: 1, size will depend on your name, in my case I used size 60.
32. Effects, Effects 3D, Drop Shadow:-2 /-1 / 50 / 2 / #000000 (black). Selections, None Selection.
33. Merge All layers (Flatten)

34. Add your watermark if it is your preference.
35. Save as Optimized JPG.

We finish it, I hope you enjoyed it.

©Copyright Tutorial " Beautiful Arrogantly " By Sofía©
Written especially for PSPFULLADDICTION©
Buenos Aires - Argentina

Translated by Sofía©


Silver Obsession

By Sofía©
I created this tutorial in PSP X.

Click on image for to see real size.
Elements Used:

Tubes, mask 20-20, Font: Rubinstein

I want to be grateful to Filly for afford me to use his wonderful tubes in this tutorial.


L&K, Trouble,
Xero, Tekstya, FM Tools, Blend Emboss and Simple, Half Wrap

Put the filters in the folder of complements in your program PSP.
Put the mask 20-20 in your folder Masks of the Program PSP

Open the tubes, Duplicate with capital letter + D, to close the original, in the copy to eliminate the mark of the tuber and the background if it has. Minimize.

Let's go

1. Open a new transparent image of width: 550 pixels x high: 400 pixels.
2. Layers, New Raster Layer and to fill with your color of Foreground: #dcd6d4, name it Base_1
3. Layers, New Raster Layer and to fill with your color of Background: #332f2f, Change Blend Mode of the layer: Multiply, name it Base_2.
4. Prepare in your palette of materials a gradient as you see in the image: Linear style - angle: 0 - Repetitions: 0 - Invert: UNCHECK

5. Layers, New Raster Layer, name it Trouble_1 and Fill the layer with the first gradient.
6. Effects, to apply Filter L&K Trouble, with these adjustments:

7. Effects, Edge Effects: Enhance
8. Image, Resize: 85 %
9. Effects, To apply Simple Filter – Half Wrap, directly (it is predetermined).
10. Adjust, Sharpness, Sharpen
11. Layers, New Raster Layer, name it Tekstya_1 and to fill with your first gradient.
12. Layers, Arrange, Move down
13. Tool Selection, Magic Wand, to select in layer Trouble_1 the central cross that formed.
14. Go to your layer Tekstya: Effects, To apply Filter Xero Tekstya, with these values (that only will apply in the selection of the central cross)

15. Without removing selection: Effects, To apply FM Tools, Blend Emboss (it is predetermined)
16. Without removing selection: Duplicate your layer Tekstya two times and to name them Tekstya_2 and Tekstya_3.
17. In your layer Tekstya 3 (that is the one that stayed above of everything), Select, Invert, Delete in your keyboard. Invert Again

18. Without removing the selection, Layers, New Raster Layer, Prepare the following gradient: Style: Linear - Angle: 90 - Repetitions: 1 – Invert: CHECK, name it Gradient_2 and to fill in the chosen area; the inside cross.
19. Selections, Invert.
20. To apply, Effects, Filter FM Tools, Blend Emboss.
21. Selections, None Selection.
22. Change Blend Mode: Overlay

23. Return to your layer Trouble_1, Image, Resize: 85 %.
24. Duplicate this layer and name it Trouble_2
25. In your layer Trouble_2: Selections, Select All, Float
27. Selections, Modify, Contract: 3 pixels, Give Delete in your keyboard
28. Selections, None Selection.
29. Tool Selection, Magic Wand, and to select the external area of the little squares (in the cross that forms)
30. Selections, Invert
31. Effects, Effects 3 D, Drop Shadow: 1 / 1/100 / 5 / color: #000000. Selections, None Selection
32. Tool Selection, Magic Wand, you select again the exterior of your little squares of Trouble_1 and, go to the layer Tekstya_2;
33. Selections, Invert
34. Selections, Modify / Expand: 6 pixels, and you give Delete in your keyboard.

35. You go to your layer Tekstya_3. Selections, Select All. Float.
36. Return to Tekstya_2, to give Delete in your keyboard. Selections, None Selection.
37. Change Blend Mode of the layer Tekstya_2: Screen. Opacity: 44 %.
38. Image, resize: 95 %.
38. Return to your layer Trouble_1: Selections, Select All, Float.
39. Selections, Invert

39. You go to your layer Tekstya_1, and give Delete in your keyboard (you must be sure you that is stopped in your layer Tekstya_1).
40. We are going to control and correct place and blend mode of the layers, till now you would have something like this:
Trouble_2: Normal: 100 %
Gradient_2: Overlay: 100%
Trouble_1: Luminance (Legacy): 60%
Tekstya_3: Screen: 55 %
Tekstya_2: Screen: 44 %
Tekstya_1: Normal: 100%
Base_1: Normal: 100%

41. Merge all (flatten).
42. We open the copy of the Tube_Filly (279)
43. Layers, Load/Save Mask, Load Mask from disc, look for the mask 20-20 and apply it, make sure that Invert Transparence: UNCHECK. Merge Group.

44. Image, Mirror
45. Image, Resize: 65 % and Copy and Paste as new layer, put like you can see in image end (make sure that the hand of the model comes up to your low left corner, good near to it and that the top part of the tube does not exceed the square).
46. Change Blend Mode of the layer to Luminance (Legacy) Opacity: 85 %
47. Open the copy of the Tube_ Filly (278)
Tool Selection, Personalized Selection and to apply the following values: to see image.

48. Copy and Paste it as new image, rejects the previous one.
Layers, Load/ Save Mask, Load Mask from of disc and to apply the mask 20-20. Merge group.
Image, Resize: 90 % Copy and Paste as new layer, Put like you can see in image end, with the same care as in the previous tube without leaving that it exceeds the square, in this case of the left and lower side.
Change Blend Mode: Luminance, Opacity: 85 %
49. Layers, New Raster Layer, Fill with your second gradient, but this time: Invert: UNCHECK, name it Square_1.
50. Image, Resize: 90 %. Selections, Selection All, Float. Selections, Modify, Contract: 3 pixels. Delete in your keyboard, Selections, None Selection.
Change Blend Mode: Screen, Opacity: 75 %.
Effects, Edge Effects, Enhance

51. Open the copy of the Tube_ Filly (204), Image, Resize: 90 %
Image, mirror,
Copy and Paste as new layer in your area of work.
Effects, Effects 3 D, Drop Shadow: 1 / 1 / 50 / 12 color: #000000 (black)
52. Layers, New Raster Layer, name it: Square_2, Fill with your dark color: #332f2f
Selections, Select All. Selection, Modify, Contract: 5 pixels. Give Delete in your keyboard, Selections, None Selection
Merge all the layers (Flatten)
53. Layers, New Raster Layer for your name. In palette of materials: Foreground: #ffffff (white) and Background: #000000 (black)
Tools, Text, Font Rubinstein size in my case: 55, width of line: 1.
Effects, Effects 3 D, Drop Shadow: 0 / 1 / 100 / 0 color: black.
Selections, None Selection.
Merge all (Flatten).

54. Add your watermark if it is your custom.
59. Save as Optimized JPG.

We ended, I hope you enjoyed it.

©Copyright Tutorial " Silver Obsession " By Sofía©
Written especially for PSPFULLADDICTION©06-12-2006
Buenos Aires - Argentina

Translate by Sofía©


Love Oracle

By Sofía©
I created this tutorial in PSP X.

Click on image for to see real size.


Tubes, Font: Anglo Saxon &
Font Evanescent

I want to be grateful to
Kat of NKdesigns for afford me to use her beautiful tubes in this tutorial, (except of " zodiacs signs” that I do not know author of the image and tuber).
© Artist of Corfe Castle: J. Walls ©


Redfield, Craquelure 3 D
FM Tools, Blend Emboss
Open the tubes, Duplicate with capital letter + D, to close the original, in the copy to eliminate the mark of the tuber and the background if it has. Minimize.

Let's go

1. Open a new transparent image of 500 of width x 600 of high.
2. In your palette of materials Foreground: #45354d (dark violet) and Background: #ffffff (white)
3. Fill your layer of fund with this color (dark violet), name it: Base
4. Layers, New Raster Layer, name it: Back_1
5. Prepare a gradient, but this time you will do it personalized:
Style: Reflexes, Repetitions: 1 horizontal, Central Point: 50 and Vertical: 73, Connect central and focal points: check

Now you open where says: Edit
You try to copy this gradient that you can see in the image, as you observe that I have lowered almost the whole white color, how? moving the little rhombs of above of the bar, copy like you see it: where 1 says: you put in position 0 (zero) your white and like this color with other points: 2 in position 57 and 3 in position 100 (dark violet), once modified this you is going to appear a message saying that your first plane has changed, give to accept.

Fill your layer with this gradient. Blend Mode of the layer: Multiply, Lower the opacity: 53 %.
6. Duplicate the layer two times, you will have Back_2 and Back_3, to put both layers Blend Mode: Normal: 100 %, but for now close the layer: Back_3, we will use her, then.
7. In your layer Back_2: Effects, to apply Filter: Craquelure 3 D / Toilet Ripples: with these adjustments:

8. Tool Selection, Freehand, feather: 55, Select like you can see in the image, (Note: the selection has a curvature in the top part, it is not straight) that was realized before you can see the dotted line:

9. Give Delete in your keyboard 2 times. Selections, None Selection.
You move this result down a bit, like you can see in the image end.
10. Open your layer Back_3 (it has to be above of all others)
11. Effects, to apply the filter Craquelure 3 D / Silicium with these values, here the only thing that I changed was the angle of inclination that you have it below as you see in the image, the rest keep equal.

12. Change Blend Mode of the layer: Dissolve, to lower the opacity: 18 % Close this layer for now.
13. Open the copy of the tube KAT_misted_asking the Star, Copy and Paste as new layer, name it: Kat_1
14. Image, Resize: 85 %, put like you can see in the image end.
Change Blend Mode of the layer: Kat_1: Screen: 100 %

15. Duplicate the layer, name it Kat_2, Blend Mode in Normal, to lower the opacity: 80 %
16. Open the copy of the tube KAT_misted_JWalls_CorfeCastlesmall, Copy and Paste as new layer.
Image, Resize: 85 % two (2) times, put like you can see in the image end.
Change Blend Mode of the layer: Luminance (Legacy), Opacity: 65 %.

17. Open the copy of the tube Zodiac_signs, Copy and Paste as new layer, name it Zodiac_1
Image, Resize: 75 %
Image, free Rotation: Turn Right: check, angle: 5 grades.
Effects, to apply filter FM Tools, Blend Emboss (it is predetermined)
Effects, Effects 3 D, Drop Shadow: 10 / 10 / 100 / 10 color: #2f2037, to apply twice this shade.
To accommodate to the height of the knees.

18. Duplicate the layer, name it Zodiac_2. Close
19. Change Blend Mode of the layer Zodiac_1: Overlay – To lower the opacity to 44 %
20. Open your layer Zodiac_2, Change Blend Mode the layer to Luminance (Legacy) – Opacity: 85 %
21. With the tool Selection: Freehand: Feather 0, Smoothing: 0 Smooth: check
Draw an outline around the inside ellipse of the tube, to see image:

Once the dotted line or small ants begin to move, Convert the selection to layer, this you do in layers or directly in your palette of layers stopped on the layer and with the button right to meet To turn Selection into layer.
Change Blend Mode of the layer: Normal.
Selections / None Selection
22. Adjust, Adjust Hue and Coloration, Colorize: Tone: 193 / Saturation: 105
Lower the opacity of the layer: 38 %.
23. Return to your layer Zodiac_2
Adjust, Blur, Motion Blur: angle: 225 / Forces: 100
24. Open your layer Back_3.
25. Image, Add Borders: 1 pix. symmetrical – color: #221f25
Image, Add Borders: 3 pix. symmetrical – color: #f9f6fc
Image, Add Borders: 1 pix. symmetrical. – color: #221f25

26. Layers, New Raster Layer for your text Love Oracle,
In your palette of materials: Foreground: closed Background: #ffffff
Tool, Text, Font: AngloSaxon, size: 36, Direction: vertical and left, width of the line: 0, Loading: - 129, you write your text.
Changes Blend Mode of the layer to Luminance (Legacy) Opacity: 86 %
27. Layers, New Raster Layer for your name: You choose the colors that you prefer, I used Foreground: #ffffff and Background: #cd94b2
Tool, text, Font: Evanescent, size: 60, Direction: horizontal and below, width of the line: 1, Loading: 0, you write your name.
Effects, Effects 3 D, Drop Shadow: 2 / 0/100 / 5 / color: #d1b0cf
28. Merge All (flatten).
Image, Resize: 86 % or to the size that you prefer.

28. Add your watermark if it is your custom.
29. Save as Optimized JPG.

We ended, I hope you enjoyed it.

©Copyright Tutorial " Love Oracle " By Sofía©
Written especially for PSPFULLADDICTION©
Buenos Aires - Argentina

Translate by Sofía©


Tag Cherish

By Sofía©
I created this tutorial in PSP X.

Click on image for to see real size.

Elements Used:

Tubes, mask 20-20, Font: Palms International

I want to be grateful to
Patry for afford me to use her beautiful tubes in this tutorial.

Filtres Unlimited 2.0
Xero – Tekstya, (in Xero 3)

Put the masks in your folder Masks of the Program PSP
Open the tubes, Duplicate with capital letter + D, to close the original, in the copy to eliminate the mark of the tuber and the background if it has. Minimize.

Let's go

1. Open a new transparent image of 550 x 400 pixels.
2. In your palette of materials: Foreground (first plane) #d1c4a1 (beige) and Background: #77663f
3. Fill your layer of back with this color (beige).
4. Layers, New Raster Layer.
5. In your palette of materials invert the order of the colors and fill the layer with #77663f
6. Effects, apply Filters Unlimited 2.0 – Textures Paper - Papyrus: with these settings: Intensity: 66 – Lightness: 96
7. In your palette of layers: Blend Mode: Hard Light
8. Lower the opacity of the layer: 45 %.
9. Layers, New Raster Layer
10. Fill this layer again with #d1c4a1 (beige)
11. Effects, apply the filter Xero – Tekstya with these setting (You has in mind where I did rectangles, to see in the image)

12. Image, Resize: 250 %, only this layer.
13. In your palette of layers, to lower the opacity to 63 %.
14. Layers, New Raster Layer you fill with your beige #d1c4a1 again
15. Effects, apply Filter Unlimited 2.0 – Edges Squares - Edges Square Nº 17.
16. Image, Resize: 85 %.
17. In your palette of layers, to change Blend Mode: Darken
18. In your palette of materials change Foreground: #77663f

19. Layers, New Raster Layer
20. Tools, Brush, settings: like you can in the image, to apply once in the top left angle and again in the low right angle.

21. Lower the opacity of your layer brush to 55 %.
22. Open the copy of the tube Zigzag and Copy and Paste as new layer, put to the left
23. Duplicate the Zigzag, Image - mirror
24. Open the copy of the tube PatryTubes_06_Victorian_05, Copy and to Paste as new layer in your area of work.
25. Put it in the top part, where you can see a third of the tube approximately.

26. With your tool Selection, (the little arrow) to stretch towards the sides up to doing it come on both sides.
27. Change Blend Mode of the layer to: Soft Light.
28. Duplicate the layer, Image – Mirror and Image – Flip, name it this layer “Save_2”
29. Duplicate the layer "Save_2", name it " Save_3" and to close for now.
30. Open the copy of the tube PatryMists_06_Beauty_114, Copy and Paste as new layer.
31. Open your layer " Save_3 ", Layers, Arrange, Move Up and it will stay for on the layer of the girl.

32. Layers, New Raster Layer.
33. In your palette of materials, Foreground (first plane): #77663f – Background: #d1c4a1
34. Prepare a gradient over your color of background: Style: linear – Angle: 140 – Repetitions: 1 – Invert: check. Note: You must has your foreground color: #77663f (your dark color)
35. Tools, Rectangle, to realize a rectangle of 310 x 30 of high place approximately and you begin to do it in the half of your area of work.
36. Tools, Mesh Warp – Mesh Warp and to realize the following sequence:
37. The node named 1, to move down a bit until the curve stays how you can see in the image:

38. The node named 2, to move up in the same proportion as the previous one.

Note: This distortion is very subtle, it is only to give something of movement to our ribbon.
39. Image, free rotation: angle: 145 to the left, to accommodate the ribbon on the right top apex, up to concealing the ends of our bond.
Note: there will appear a little message who says Automatic Actions: Accept.
40. Lower the opacity of your ribbon to 70 %.
41. Effects, Effects 3 D, Drop Shadow: 3 / 3 / 50 / 8 color: #837253
42. Open the copy of the tube Heart and Copy and Paste as new layer, to accommodate on your ribbon.
43. Image, free rotation: angle: 10 to the left.
44. With your tool selection (Freehand), setting: point to point, to select the part of the hoop that hold it, would stay behind, to give Delete in your keyboard, to see in the image:

45. Adjust, Sharpness: Sharpen.
46. Effects, Effects 3 D, Drop Shadow: 3 / 3 / 50 / 8 color: #837253
47. Open the copy of the tube " key " Copy and Paste as new layer, and to accommodate as you can see in the image.

48. Adjust, Sharpness: Sharpen.
49. Effects, Effects 3 D, Drop Shadow: 3 / 3 / 50 / 8 color: #837253
50. In your palette of material: Foreground: #000000 – Background: #c0c0c0
51. Prepare a gradient: Style: linear – Angle: 140 – Repetitions 1 – Invert: check.
52. Layers – New Raster Layer.
53. Tools, Pen: with following settings.
54. In style of line: open it and to go personalize and you put the values that you can see in the image, where says size in each one you put: 3, then save and give it a name to your line of little dots or little balls.

55. You draw a line since the hoop of the heart up to the beginning of your key. Convert your layer of vector into raster layer.
56. Effects, Effects 3 D, Drop Shadow: 3 / 3 / 50 / 8 color: #837253
57. Open the copy of the tube Cherish and Copy and Paste as new layer.
58. Lower the opacity of the layer to 65, to accommodate as you can see in the image end.
59. Merge all (Flatten)

60. Layers, Promote Background Layer to your merger.
61. Layers, New Raster Layer, Fill with white color
62. Layers, Load/Save Mask, Load Mask from disc: to look for your mask 1058: Luminosity of origin, adjust to linen, to conceal all the masks and to invert transparence and to apply: all check.
63. Merge group.

64. In your palette of materials: Foreground: closed – Background: #a29472
65. Layers, New Raster Layer for your text, to choose a font that you like, I used it is Candia Script SSK, size 72, you write your name.
66. Effects, Effects 3D, Drop Shadow: 2/2/80 / 3 color #cfc19
67. Selections, None Selection.

68. Add your watermark if it is your custom.
56. Merge all flatten
57. Save as Optimized JPG.

We ended, I hope you enjoyed it.

©Copyright Tutorial " Tag Cherish " By Sofía©
Written especially for PSPFULLADDICTION©
Buenos Aires - Argentina

Translate by Sofía©



Click on image for to see real size.

By Sofía©
I created this tutorial in PSP X.

I want to be grateful to Monique and to Exclusively Rita for allow me
to use her magnificent tubes in this tutorial.

Elements Used:

Tubes, mask 20-20, Font: Palms International


PIXELLISATION – Diamond Glass,
DSB Flux – Mosaic Ripple and FM Tools - Blend Emboss

Put the filters in the folder of complements in your program PSP.
You remember to keep your program closed while you download the filters.
Put the masks in your Masks folder of the Program PSP Open the tubes,
Duplicate with capital letter + D, to close the original, in the copy to eliminate the mark
of the tuber and the background if it has. Minimize.
Let's go

1. Open a new transparent image of 500 x 350 pixels
2. In your palette of materials: Foreground #37689d
3. Fill your layer of back with this color
4. Layers - New Raster Layer, name it Base_1
5. In your palette of materials change the Foreground: #b1c9db and Background: #37689d
6. Prepare a gradient with these settings: Linear style, angle: 90, Repetitions: 4, Invert: check
7. Fill your layer Base_1 with this gradient
8. Effects, apply the filter L&K Raisa with these settings: Control 0: 92 - Control 1: 0.

9. Layers - New Raster Layer, name it Base_2
10. Modify the gradient that you had with these adjustments:
Foreground (first plane): #88acc6 (baby blue) and Background: #37689d Style: Radial, angle: 90, Repetitions: 5, Invert: uncheck
11. Fill your layer “Base_2” with this new gradient

12. Adjust, Blur, Gaussian Blur: 15
13. Effects, apply the filter DSB Flush, Mosaic Ripple, with these adjustments: where Mosaic says: you put 30, and in Pull: 202, to accept.
14. Effects, Edge Effects, Enhance
15. Effects, apply the filter Pixellisation, Diamond Glass, with these settings (to see image)

16. Effects, FM Tools, Blend Emboss, you apply it (it is predetermined).
17. Open the copy of the tube " rw-Kate_Hudson 1 ".
18. Layers, Load mask from disc with these values, make sure that it is not check to invert the mask.
19. Layers, Merge group
20. Image, Resize: 65 % All the layers: check.
21. Copy and Paste new image in your area of work, name it Girl_1
22. Duplicate the layer, name it Girl_2
23. Layer Girl_1, Blend Mode: Screen

24. Layer Girl_2, Blend Mode: to lower the opacity to 65 %
25. On Layer Girl_2, to apply the following shade:
26. Effects, Effects 3D, Drop Shadow: 3 / 3/80/18 / color: #2a435e, two times
27. Open the copy of the tube Tubed by Monique42_1524
28. Image, Resize: 75 %

29. Copy and Paste as new layer in your area of work, to accommodate to your left
30. Put in the layer Base_ 2,
31. Tools, Selection, Rectangle with feather 50, that you will draw on the rose without covering it completely, you can see in the image:

32. In your keyboard to give Delete two times.
33. Close the layers of the girl and of the flower, Merge visible layers, Duplicate with capital letter + D and to reserve the copy of this back that you have, to minimize for now.
34. You return to your area of work, to give Undo last action (or the merger that you made), to open the layers that you closed first, those of the girl and that of the rose.

35. Merge all the layers

36. Add Borders: 1 pix, symmetrically, color: #2d6c8f
37. Add Borders: 2 pix, symmetrically, color: #87abc5
38. Add Borders: 1 pix, symmetrically, color: #2d6c8f

39. Add Borders: 25 pix, symmetrically, white color

40. With your tool Magic wand, feather: 0 (zero) to select the last realized border.
41. Layers, New Raster Layer

42. Open your minimized back, Copy and Paste in the selection of your area of work
43. Image, mirror
44. Selections, Invert
45. Effects, Effects 3 D, Drop Shadow, with the same values Step 26.
46. Selections, None Selection.

47. Add Borders: 1 pix, symmetrically, color: #2d6c8f
48. Selections, None Selection

49. Layers, New Raster Layer for your text
50. Tools Text, to use font of your election or the one that I used in this occasion, Palms Internacional, windth of line: 0, size 48.
51. In your palette of materials, the Foreground (first plane): Closed, Background: White.
52. You write your name.
53. Effects, Effects 3 D Drop Shadow: 3 / 3/80 / 8 / color: #2a435e
54. Selections, None Selection.

55. Add your watermark if it is your custom.
56. Merge all flatten
57. Save as Optimized JPG.

We ended, I hope you enjoyed it.


©Copyright Tutorial " Tag Sensuality in Blue " By Sofía©
Written especially for PSPFULLADDICTION©
Buenos Aires - Argentina

Translate by Sofía©


Click on image for to see real size.
By Sofía©
I created this tutorial in PSP X.
I want to be grateful to Gini, Monique and to Exclusively Rita for
allow me to use their magnificent tubes in this tutorial.

Elements Used:

Tubes, mask 20-20, mask 89, Fonts: Greyhound and Constanza


Photo Aging Kit

Important Note: the filter Photo Aging Kit works under the environment of Filters Unlimited 2.0. that's why when downloaded and decompressed; open your PSP, look for Filter Unlimited 2.0. go bottom everything where says: "Import" and to look for the folder of Photo Aging Kit in the directory where you have kept it and to Import, now it will be able to use it.
You remember to keep your program closed while you download the filters.
Put the filters in the Complements' folder in your program PSP.Open the tubes,
duplicate it with Shift + D, then close the original,
in the copy eliminate the mark of the tuber and the background if it has. Minimize it.

Let's go

1. Open a new transparent image of 550 x 400 pixels.
2. In your palette of materials: Foreground: #b67479 and Background: #642e35
3. Prepare a gradient: Style: Radial – Angle: 180 – Repeat: 3 – Invert: check –
Central Point: Horizontal: 73 – Vertical 0, look next capture.

4. Fill your layer of background with this color (gradient)
5. Effects, Filters Unlimited 2.0 / Photo Aging Kit / Center Spot/Vignetting: value 192.
6. Open the copy of the tube "Caro_mist128", (the keyboard of piano).
7. Copy and to paste in your work area
8. Image, resize to 70 % and arrange it center in the bottombelow, look in final result,
9. Stretch it only a little bit of their sides with: Selection Tools,
Selection and stretching from the sides.
10. Decrease opacity of the layer: 44%.
11. Open the copy of the image AMC107.
12. Layers, Promote Background Layer
13. Layers, Load mask from the disc: look for the mask 89 and apply.
14. Layers, Merge group
15. Copy and Paste as new image in your work area
16. Arrange in the center above the keys of the piano.
17. Decrease the opacity of this layer: 75 %.
18. Open the copy of the tube "BeautifulFace_MistedByGini_04-17-06".
19. Copy and Paste in your work area, Image, Resize to 80 %,
arrange this tube at right side, look in the final result.
20. Effects, 3 D Effects, Drop Shadow: 3 / 3 / 100 / 18 / color: #642e35
21. Tools, Eraser, configured like in the next capture; erase the small part of model's shoulder.

22. In your palette of layers, decrease opacity of the layer of the girl to 85%.
23. Open the copy of the tube "rw-sexyleg",
24. Layers, Load mask from disc, to look for your mask 20-20 and apply.
25. Merge group. Image, Resize to 95 %
26. Arrange the tube to your left side.
27. Decrease the opacity of the layer to 75%.
28. Now a final detail: after as your tube rw-sexyleg was arrange,
we are going to erase in the layer of the keys of the piano,
only a little bit, carefully so the result will look better,
now setting your Eraser Tool eraser as step 21., only this time,
you will decrease the opacity of eraser to: 5,
change size of the eraser and increase it to 20: and erase,
make this eraser with a circle shape at left part of the keys,
like you can look in this image.

29. Do the same work of eraser follow in the layer of the keys of the piano above the face of the model, where you have had a small dark shadow, erase it.
The sense of this step is give an excellent view to our design. Let's continue.
30. Layers, New Raster Layer, Fill this layer again with your gradient, name it "Linen 1"
31. Effects, Texture Effects:, Texture: Coarse linen, with this settings.

32. Duplicate this layer, name it "Linen 2"
33. In layer "Linen 1", change Blend Mode: Screen and decrease opacity: 49%
34. In layer "Linen 2", change Blend Mode: Overlay and decrease opacity: 60%
35. In the layer "Linen 2", apply Effects, Edge Effects: Enhance.
36. Merge all layers.
37. Image, Add borders, 1 píx, symmetrically, color: black

38. Layers, New Raster Layer for the text " Vaudeville "
39. In your palette of materials: Foreground: #642e35 background: #eecaac
40. Text Tool, look for font Greyhound, size 72, width of line: 1, and write the text: Vaudeville
41. Effects, 3 D Effects, Drop Shadow: 2 / 2/80 / 8 / color: #b67479
42. Image, Free Rotate, Direction: Left Rotation 90 degrees
and to put your text in the center of left side.
43. Change Blend Mode of the layer: Overlay.
44. Layers, New Raster Layer for your name
45. In your palette of materials: Foreground (first plane): #b74d45 Background: #eecaac
46. Text Tool, to look for font Constanza size 72, width of line: 1, and write your name
47. Effects, 3 D Effects / Drop Shadow: 1 / 1 / 50 / 1 / color: #b67479
48. Selections, None Selection.

49. Add your watermark if it is your custom.
50. Save as Optimized JPG.

We finish, I hope you enjoyed it.


©Copyright Tutorial " Blend Vaudeville " By Sofía©Written especially for PSPFULLADDICTION©05-18-2006
Buenos Aires - Argentina
Translate by Sofía©


Click on image to look in real size
By Sofía©
I created this tutorial in PSP X.

Elements Used:

Tubes, two selections, Sources: Secret Recipe

I want to be grateful to Crystal and to Patry for allow me to use her beautiful tubes in this tutorial.


Xero - Tekstya – Tekstya,
Adjusts – Variations,
Simple - Top Left Mirror,
FM Tools, Blend Emboss
and Bordermanía
(you can find them in each name)

Remember keep your program closed while you download the filters.
Put the filters in the Complements' folder in your program PSP.
Put the selections in the Selections folder in your program PSP
Open the tubes, duplicate it with Shift + D, then close the original,
in the copy eliminate the mark of the tuber and the background if it has. Minimize it.

Let's go

1. Open a new image, transparent background of 450 x 350 pixels. In your palette of materials, Foreground: #b36dbd (purple). Fill the layer of your background with this color
2. Layers, New Raster Layer.
Prepare a gradient Foreground: #b36dbd and Background: #f0bde6,
Style: linear, angle: 45, repeat: 1, Invert: CHECK. Fill your layer with this gradient.
3. Effects, Distortion Effects: Pixelate, block width and block height: 70, Symmetric: CHECK IN. Adjusts, Sharpness / Sharpen.
Effects, Xero - Tekstya with this settings:

4. Effects, Filter Simple / Top Left Mirror (it is predetermined)
5. Effects, Filter FM Tools / Blend Emboss (it is predetermined)
6. Effects, Edge Effects: Enhance
7. Open the copy of the tube PatryMists_06_Flowers_53. Image, mirror.
Image, Resize: 73 %, arrange at left side, look in the final result.
Edit, Copy and Paste in your work area as new layer and name this layer "Flower 1".
Duplicate layer, and name it "Flower 2"

8. In layer "Flower 1" change Blend Mode of the layer: Screen
9. In layer "Flower 2" decrease the opacity 84 %, keep Blend Mode of layer: Normal.

10. Layer, New Raster Layer. Selections, Load, Load Selection from the disc;
to look for the selection that I prepared: sel001TUT_LilasParfum_Sofía© and accept.
Fill the selection with the Floodfill Tool with the first gradient, once.
Selection / Selection none.
Effects, 3D Effects, Drop Shadow: 0/1 / 75 / 0 color: #a34f9f. Adjusts, Sharpness, Sharpen

11. Layer, New Raster Layer. Selections, Load, Load Selection from the disc;
to look for the second selection that I prepared: sel002T_LilasParfum_Sofía© and accept.
Fill the selection with the Floodfill Tool once. Selection / Selection none.
Effects, 3 D Effects, Drop Shadow: 0 /-1 / 75 / 0 color: #a34f9f. Adjusts, Sharpness, Sharpen

12. Open the copy of the tube ©rystaltubed_Joanna1.
Edit, Copy and Paste in your work area as new layer.
Image, Resize 56 %, and arrange at right side like in the final result.

13. For avoid that the image girl do not seem cut, open your Selection Tool configured in rectangle with feather: 10 and draw a rectangle at her right (in her back), then give Delete in the keyboard.

14. Layers, Arrange, Move down (twice, until the girl stays underneath the selections.)
15. Open the copy of the tube PatryTubes_06_ValentineD_07,
with the Selection Tool, in Freehand: point for point, select the small bottle of perfume.
Copy and Paste as new layer, name it "Frasquito" (it mean: small bottle). Arrange the tube at left side at same hight where start the above selection, look in the final result.

16. Effects, Adjust / Variations: click twice in magenta, 3 in blue and 8 (yes! eight) times in light, then, accept. Adjust, Sharpness: Sharpen.
Adjust, Brightness and Contrast / Clarify: strength of effect: 3.

17. Duplicate the layer, name this copy: "Frasquito 2", change Blend Mode: Luminance (Legacy).
18. Layer "Frasquito 1", decrease opacity of the layer: 30, keep Blend Mode: Normal.
19. Apply drop shadow only in the layer "Frasquito 2".
Effects, Effects 3D, Drop Shadow:-3 /-3 / 65 / 5 color: #7f317c

20. Open the tube PatryTubes_06_Elements_11, with the Selection Tool,
configured in Freehand: point to point, select a small bow purple.
Copy and Paste as new layer. Arrange at same hight of above selection and the small bottle
Adjust, Sharpness, Sharpen.

21. Layers, New Raster Layer. In your palette of materials:
Foreground: #f0bde6 and Background: your gradient.
22. Tools, Rectangle, Rectangle and we will prepare the ribbon
that hold the small bottle, look in the capture.

23. With the Selection Tool selection configured in circle
make one inside the ring that hold the small bottle, look in the capture.

24. Give Delete in your keyboard. Selections, None Selection
Try to be neat as possible because it is a final detail.
25. Effects, 3 DEffects, Drop Shadow:-3 /-3 / 65 / 5 color: #7f317c.
Decrease opacity of the layer: 60 %.
Layers, Arrange, Move until i underneath of the small bow,
now is the right moment to arrange it, if before it wasn't in the center. Merge all layers.

26. Image, Add borders: 1 pix, Symmetrical, color: white
27. Image, Add borders: 3 pix, Symmetrical, color: #f0bde6
28. Apply, Effects / Bordemanía / Frame 2, with this settings:

29. Palette of materials, Foreground: #f0bde6 - Background: White.
30. Layers, New Raster Layer
31. Text Tool , look for the Secret Recipe font, size 55, width of line: 1. Write your name.
Effects, 3 D Effects, Drop Shadow:-3 /-3 / 65 / 5 color: #7f317c
32. Add your watermark if it is your custom.
34. Save as Optimized JPG.

We finish!, I hope you enjoyed it.


©Copyright Tutorial " Tag Lila's Parfum " By Sofía©Written especially for PSPFULLADDICTION©
Buenos Aires - Argentina
Translated by Sofía©



Click on image for to see real size.
By Sofía©
I created this tutorial in PSP X.

Elements Used:

Tubes, mask, 2 Fonts: Medieval Magic and Anglican Regular
I want to be grateful to Kat of NKDesigns and to Patry
for allow me use
their beautiful tubes in this tutorial, to them the responsibility to make the tubes
and the Image's Copyright belong at their authors.

L&K, Filter Paris,
L&K, Filter Dimitri

Put the filters in the Complements' folder in your program PSP.
Put the mask maskgothictales_Sofía© in your Masks folder of the Program PSP
Open the tubes, duplicate with capital letter + D, close the original,
in the copy, eliminate the mark of the tuber
and the background if it has. Minimize it.

Let's go

1. Open a new transparent image, 550 x 450 pixels.
2. In your palette of materials: Foreground (first plane): #5e410a and to fill your layer of back.
3. Open the copy of the tube Kat_misted_summoningthebflies and copy and paste the tube as new layer in your work area.
4. Image, mirror
5. Image, Resize: 80 %, Resize all layers: WITHOUT CHECK,
and arrange the tube at the left side like you can see in the final result.
6. Edit, Paste as new layer and copy the tube of the girl again,
7. Image, Resize: 150 % Resize all layers: WITHOUT CHECK
and arrange to accommodate to the right, to see finished.
8. Open the copy of the tube PatryTubes_06_Objects_29.
9. Image, Resize: 80 %, Resize all layers: WITHOUT CHECK,
arrange to the left side, look in the final result like reference.
10. Change Blend Mode in this layer at: Screen.

11. Open the copy of the tube PatryMists_06_DrinksAndFood_03.
12. Image, Resize: 80 %, Resize all layers: WITHOUT CHECK, and arrange to the left side, look in the final result like reference.
13. Change Blend Mode in this layer: Hard light.
14. Decrease Opacity of the layer: 60 %.
15. In your palette of materials: Foreground: #1e1402 and Background: #8c7836
16. Prepare a gradient: Style: Linear, 45º, repeat: 1 Invert: check
17. Layers / New Raster Layer, name this layer: "Paris 1", Fill your layer with the gradient.
18. Effects / L&K / Paris, with this settings:

19. Effects / L&K / Dimitri: 80.
20. Duplicate the layer, and name it: Dimitri.

21. In the layer Paris, change Blend Mode: Screen.
22. In layer Dimitri, change Blend Mode: Multiply
23. Decrease the opacity in layer Dimitri: 50 %.

24. Layers, New Raster Layer
25. Palette of materials, Foreground: #332403, fill the layer with this color.
26. Layers, Load mask from disc: and to look for the mask that I prepared for this blend, "maskgothictales"
27. Layers, Merge Group
28. Change Blend Mode of the layer to: Luminance (Legacy)
29. Decrease opacity of the layer: 50 %

30. In your palette of materials, Foreground: #533805
and Background: the gradient that we used before.

31. Layers, New Raster Layer for your text, Text Tool,
look for the font " Magic Medieval ", size 45, width of line: 1,
write: Gothic Tales, and arrange at left side of the blend.
32. Effects, 3 D Effects, Drop Shadow: 2 / 2 / 45 / 6 color: #2a1e04
33. Change Blend Mode: Overlay.

34. In your palette of materials, Foreground: close and Background: #ead499
35. Layer, New Raster Layer, for your name, Text Tool Text, look for the font
" Anglican Regular ", size: 72, write your name.
36. Merge all (all flatten).
37. Image / Add borders: 1 pix, symmetrical, black color.
Save as Optimized JPG.

We finish, I hope you enjoyed it.
©Copyright Tutorial "Blend Gothic Tales" By Sofía©Written especially to PSPFULLADDICTION©05-05-2006Buenos Aires - ArgentinaTranslate by Sofía©


By Sofía©
I created this Tutorial in PSP X.

I'm very grateful to Patry for her generosity in allow me to use her beautiful tubes
in this tutorial.

Elements Used:

Tubes, brush, Font: Latin


L&K, filter Trix
L&K, filter Djin
Adjust- Variations,
Fm Tools, Blend Emboss and Simple: Pizza Slice Mirror

Put the filters in your Complements' folder in your PSP.
Open the brush and export it as a personalized brush.
Open the tubes, duplicate them with capital letter + D, close the original, in the copy eliminate the mark of the tuber and the background if it has. Minimize it.

Let's go

1. Open new image 550 x 400 pixels, transparent background
2. In your Materials' Palette, set the colors: 

Foreground: #c0c0c0 (gray) and Background: #ebddd4
3. Fill the layer with the Tool Flood Fill with your color of the Foreground: #c0c0c0
4. Prepare a gradient with this colors: Foreground #cdb1ab and background #ebddd4,
and this settings: Linear style - Angle: 45 - Repetitions: 1 - Invert: See it in the capture:

5. Layers, New Raster Layers and fill with the gradient
6. Effects, apply the filter L&k: Trix, with this settings:

7. Effects, L&K / Djin, with this settings:

8. Effects, Edge effects, Enhance
9. Effects, Adjusts / Variations, click once on Red, yellow, blue and red one again (in this order), click in light once and accept.
10. Effects/ Simple Filter/ Pizza Slice Mirror (it has predetermined values).
11. Change Blend Mode of this layer: Overlay.
12. Effects / FM Tools / Blend Emboss (it is predetermined).
13. New layer, Selection Tool / Custom Selection and apply this settings:

14. Palette of materials Foreground: #c1a29d, with the Tool Flood Fill (little bucket)
and fill our layer " rectangle "
15. Decrease the opacity of the layer to 75 % and Selection / Selection none.
16. New layer, palette of Tools, Tool rectangle: line of dots and width: 2
In your Materials: Foreground: #f1e5d7 and Background: closed

17. Make a rectangle inside our brown rectangle, look in capture,
(that you will see of dark color because it is before the dotted line is seen,
I make it like that so that it is possible to look).

18. Open the copy of the tube: PatryMists_06_Elegant_11, we going to the Girl's layer
19. Image - Mirror,
20. Image/ Resize to reduce at 78 %, bicubic, Resize all layers: WITHOUT CHECK
21. We copy and paste as new layer in our workarea,
we this tube at the left size like in the final result.
22. Effects, 3D Effects / Drop Shadow: 2 /-2 / 85 / 10 / color: #be9f9b
23. Open the copy of the tube: PatryMists_06_Flowers_89
24. Image / Resize to reduce 62 %, bicubic, Resize all layers: WITHOUT CHECK
25. Copy and Paste as new layer in our work area, put this flowers at right side of the girl,
look in the final result.
26. Change Blend Mode: Screen and Decrease the Opacity: 100 %
27. Duplicate this layer: Change Blend Mode in this layer duplicated to Normal, Opacity: 85 %
28. In your palette of materials:Foreground: #a78079, Background: closed.
29. Layers, New Raster Layer: Open the brush " agi-textureLoveLetters " size 280,
Step: 32 Density: 100 Rotation: 0, Opacity: 100, Blend Mode: Normal.

30. Apply once over the flowers, look in the final result.
31. Layers - Arrange – Move Down and put it underneath the layer of the girl (You must move the layer four times ó if you prefer, from your palette of layers you take it with the right button of the mouse and arrange it directly below the layer of the girl.
32. Open the tube of the eye, Copy and Paste as new layer. Arrange in the right top apex, look in the final result.
33. Open the copy of the tube PatryTubes_06_ValentineD_16,
we going to this layer with the small envelopes.
34. Image, Resize to 50 %
35. With the selection tool configured in rectangle you draw a rectangle over one of the small envelope with the heart and Copy and paste as new layer in your work area, arrange to the botton right side at same hight that the eyelet,
36. Image – Mirror
37. Effects, 3 D Effects, Drop Shadow: 2 /-2 / 85, 8 / color: #92716e
38. Minimize the tube of the small Envelopes because then we will use it.

39. Layers – New Raster Layer, tool rectangle with your palette of materials: Foreground: the first gradient that we did, and background: white
40. Make a very thin rectangle, from the eyelet up to the small envelope, look the final result.
41. Effects, Texture Effects - Weave: with this settings:

42. Effects, Edge Effects: Enhance
43. Effects, 3 D Effects, Drop Shadow: 2 /-2 / 85, 8 / color: #92716e

44. Open the copy of the tube PatryTubes_06_ValentineD_16 that you resized before, Select the small envelope that says: “With Love” as new layer.
45. Image - Free Rotate: Left direction - Degrees: Free:5 All layers: without check

46. Image, Resize and resize (again): 90 %
47. Effects, 3 DEffects, Drop Shadow: 2 /-2 / 85, 8 / color: #92716e
48. Open the copy of the tube PatryTubes_06_Elements_11, we going at the layer with te small bows, choose the color beige dark, with your tool selection, configured in rectangle.
49. Copy and Paste in your work area as new layer, put on the eyelet without cover it completely
50. Image, Resize 85 %
51. Effects, 3 D Effects, Drop Shadow: 2 /-2 / 85, 8 / color: #92716e
52. Layers, Merge all

We are going to make the frame:

53. Image / Add Borders: 1 pix., symmetrical, color: #be9f9b
54. Image / Add Borders: 3 pix., symmetrical, color: #f1e5db
55. Image / Add Borders: 1 pix., symmetrical, color: #be9f9b
56. Image / Add Borders: 25 pix., symmetrical, color: #f1e5db

57. With the magic wand, select this border and fill with the little bucket
with our gradient of 45º
58. Selection - Invert selection
59. Effects - 3 D Effects - Drop Shadow: 2 / 2 / 65 / 12 color: #92716e
60. Effects - 3 D Effects - Drop Shadow: -2 /-2 / 65 / 12 color: #92716e
61. Selection – None Selection
62. Image / Add Borders: 1 pix., symmetrical, color: #be9f9b
63. Image / Add Borders: 3 pix., symmetrical, color: #f1e5db
64. Image / Add Borders: 1 pix., symmetrical, color: #92716e (Watch here! because it changes ;)
If you wish resize, in this case I did it to 90 %
65. Layers, New Raster Layer for your name, in this case I used the font: Latin, size 58 white color
66. Effects - 3 DEffects – Drop Shadow: 1 / 1 / 65 / 2 color: #92716e
67. Add a layer for your watermark if it is your custom.
68. Save as Optimized JPG.

Yes! We finish! :) I hope you enjoyed it.


©Copyright Tutorial " Tag Beige Delicate " By Sofía©
Written especially for
Buenos Aires - Argentina
Translate By Sofía©